Narconon UK

Free Drug Education Lectures for Schools, register below

  • What is a drug?
  • How drugs can give you blank periods
  • Effects that drugs, alcohol and solvents can have on the body
  • Loved by pupils
  • Lectures delivered throughout the UK
Want to schedule a free drug-ed lecture?
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How does this lecture align with the new curriculum guidelines?

Our format aligns with Sub-Section 2.4 Drug Education In The Curriculum ( Section 351, Education Act 1996 ) Key Stages 2, 3,& 4, regarding the effects of drugs, alcohol, solvents and tobacco on body functions and general health.


How many pupils do you prefer to address in a session?

We range from 30 to full lecture halls or assemblies.
We understand it’s easier to work around a school’s timetables and schedules. In that way it makes less problems for the PHSE teachers involved.

Does Narconon Drug Education work with other organisations?

Yes. We sit on the National Drug Prevention Alliance and work with other local groups wherever possible.


Is there any religious content in the Narconon Drug Education format?

No. Narconon Drug Education UK is a secular charity.